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Seris Logistics and Out of Use safeguard GDPR data

The introduction of the GDPR has significantly increased the demand for data destruction. That gave security company Seris and processor Out Of Use the idea of the Safe & Secure Box. This offers organisations a solution for the secure storage, transport and subsequent destruction of their paper and electronic data carriers.

In recent years, Out Of Use has developed several methods of data destruction, ranging from software data wiping to mechanical perforation, degaussing or shredding. "But with the GDPR, we have noticed an increased uneasiness among our customers," says business manager Mark Adriaenssens. “They not only want certainty about the destruction of the data, but are demanding more details about the entire process. Hard drive serial numbers are now routinely recorded. We also offer data security guarantees in the form of a binding contract between us as processors and the customer. We’ve also installed security cameras in the business. Because the transport of data carriers remains an uncertain factor, we developed the Safe & Secure Box jointly with our partner Seris Logistics.”.

Businesses can store their data carriers securely in the Safe & Secure Box. When the box is full, it’s sent to Out of Use, where the agreed processing takes place. Every box is fitted with unique seals and security labels for transport.

During transport, we use a GDPR manifest, a document that contains the specifications of the box and the goods it contains," says Seris unit manager Serge Nauwelaers. Our trucks are fitted with a track and trace system, so the entire journey is recorded until arrival at the Out Of Use workshop. And if a breach does occur, both Seris and Out Of Use have taken out the necessary insurance policies.”

Seris Logistics Out of Use

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