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A face lift for Out of Use

Those who have been paying attention and any passers-by will already have noticed it. Out of Use has a new logo.


Out of Use logo


With this logo, they want to convey positivity. The smiley face is therefore central in the logo.

They have also recently launched a brand new website. It focuses on user friendliness. The CO2 calculator is a good example of this. It makes it possible for companies to calculate their CO2 emissions avoided, by reusing or recycling discarded IT material, with just a few clicks. This is unique in Belgium and beyond.

Click here to test the new CO2-calculator.

Giving purpose

Giving purpose is their new slogan, which they have been proudly proclaiming every day since the rebranding. Their former slogan 'We take care of your e-waste' was no longer 100% applicable, because over the years they have expanded their range of services. They now do so much more than just 'e-waste'. Think about the solutions they offer the automotive sector, from airbags to belt tensioners and even electric car batteries. More and more companies are also turning to the data destruction services they offer.

Mark Adriaenssens, CEO of Out of Use, explains:


"Giving purpose, is the main idea we have in every activity we perform. It applies in many ways to what we do at Out of Use.

Giving Purpose to products and materials by giving them a second life.

Giving Purpose to our customers by offering them a solution for their electrical and electronic waste. We maximise the reuse and recycling of their materials, allowing them to significantly reduce their carbon footprint. This way, our customers can give meaning, create value, out of the discarded electro-appliances they have.

Giving Purpose for us as a team and for all our employees, because through our activities we all contribute to a noble goal: a more sustainable world in the future. Out of Use also deliberately relies on 13 sheltered workshops for dismantling assignments. These assignments create work for these institutions, and they in turn fulfil a useful role and make a valuable contribution to the activities of Out of Use.

Last but not least, 'Giving Purpose' also has a social dimension: climate change has made us all aware that we need to deal responsibly with the scarce resources the earth possesses. "


In addition, through partnerships with Natuurpunt in Flanders and Natagora in Wallonia, Out of Use has already been able to plant many extra hectares of nature reserve.

Circular service provider

Out of Use no longer wants to present itself as just a recycling company.

"A circular service provider, that' s the term that best describes our business activities. The throwaway society is increasingly taking its toll. We show that it can be done differently.

At Out Of Use, we work towards a meaningful future in which reuse and recycling play the leading role in a broader, sustainable narrative. For our own lives and for those of future generations.

We believe that every part of the chain has its use and can make a positive contribution. How do we try to play our part in this? By restoring the full value of used electronic materials and giving them a new home, or by converting them into new raw materials. "

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