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We offer three possible destruction levels.


At this level, the customer delivers old equipment to Out Of Use without the need for any destruction. Out Of Use ensures that this equipment is processed in accordance with the WEEE directive 2012/19/EU and the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC. The equipment is reused or recycled.



Destruction takes place in the Out of Use warehouse. We provide the guaranteed destruction of all the data present on the equipment/data carriers that you as the customer deliver to Out of Use. You can choose from several destruction methods:

  • Data wiping or mechanical (H2): software-based data wiping or mechanical perforation compliant with DIN66399 class H2.
  • Degaussing: Degaussing of the data carrier (very strong magnetic field, re-use or reading of the data is impossible afterwards).
  • Shredding (H4/T3): shredding with a blade width of 38 mm, without sieve. In accordance with DIN66399 class H4.
  • Shredding (H5/T4): shredding with a blade width of 38 mm, with 12mm sieve. In accordance with DIN66399 class H5.

For every method, you can receive a data destruction certificate, with a list of serial numbers if appropriate. The certificate will declare that the products have been destroyed and subsequently processed in accordance with the WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment.



At this level, Out Of Use takes responsibility for the guaranteed destruction of data on the customer’s data carriers from the moment they leave the customer’s premises. In this case the customer has two options:

  • Sealed transport: carried out using sealed trucks and Out of Use’s own employees, or by means of our SAFE & SECURE BOXES (collection or despatch of secured boxes, with a maximum of 50 hard disks per box, in collaboration with Seris Logistics, a specialist security firm)
  • Destruction on the customer’s premises: the destruction methods offered are the same as for Level 1, but in this case destruction takes place on the customer’s site. The customer may attend if so desired.